Saturday, April 13, 2013

Por que?

                                               My kids: Julian and Leah

Why do I care enough to drive from Pittsburgh to Washington DC to attend an immigration rally?
I am no longer in a situation where I personally need immigration reform. 

Is there a foreign spouse abroad waiting to join me in the States? 

Am I straddling a family over the border juggling stability issues? 

Am I attempting to assimilate into a third world custom complete with language, food, and school system differences?

NO – I have a normal life today, as do most Americans…

Basically I am just an American single-mom keeping a low profile in the community by attending classes and spending time at home, or occasionally venturing over to the grocery store…
                                my normal life!

I was there once, in the above mentioned. That was my life.

It is unhealthy to live in the past; therefore I choose to keep moving quite successfully, despite my mind’s memory storage of the emotions. 

Today – I have my friends. 

I have my friends who are my fellow American women – and I love them dearly.

They are living a life of oppression of our very own government, an abusive situation where the abuser takes pride in the pain that they endure. 

They cry as the abuse continues… as the abuser walks away with a puffed chest – sporting a look of complete dominance and ego…
            …withholding apology or sensitivity.

I am sensitive to her – as we all should be when we can understand how it feels to categorized into a label of less when we are more... 

Those certain law makers who side with no one but the side of apathetic snake whispering and ignore the reality of some of its citizens with purpose or ignorance. 

Law makers that went to the same high-schools that my friends did…

When a person suffers a huge loss such as a member of their family – there is a process of grief,
      beginning with denial and ending in acceptance,
           it takes time – but it is a natural human ability!
I know the process personally is a difficult process, as do most people. We can understand as we have all suffered loss in our lives. 

There is no time frame offered when you live daily in limbo waiting for immigration reform – every day is sadness!
Every day is frustration.
Every day is hard to get through.
There is no grieving process to adhere to! 
the daily atrocity of abuse –  inflicted by the one that we love –
The United States of America Legislature of fellow Americans…

My dear friends deserve respect, love, and justice for their lives are worth more than that!!!

Today - Awareness is needed in America to support an end to the abuse of these awesome women.

So I live in the present, with ever so little yesterday and always hope for tomorrow… 

That is what I was doing in DC – living in the present at 100% full throttle...
caring about my friends.


  1. Thank you Raquel for continuing the fight for justice even though as you said you are no longer personally directly impacted. You do painfully remember exactly how it is. Your suffering, for what you and your children endured, will always be a part of who you are; time heals all wounds but the scars remain forever. Thank you for fighting for those of us still stuck living in this grossly unfair situation.
